a better way to buy and sell protein
a better way to buy and sell protein

The Challenge

The protein trading and logistics industries have long operated with outdated practices, resulting in inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Recognizing the need for a modern solution, Marcus Technologies sought to develop a platform that would seamlessly connect vendors, buyers, and traders while enhancing value throughout the process. They engaged Conrad Labs to lead the development effort and create a platform that would revolutionize the industry.

The Discovery

In close collaboration with Marcus Technologies’ protein trading experts, Conrad Labs embarked on a Greenfield Project to build the Marcus Technologies trading platform. This platform was envisioned as a catalyst for change in the protein trading and logistics sectors through the application of cutting-edge cloud computing technologies.

The Outcome

The collaboration between Marcus Technologies and Conrad Labs achieved transformative outcomes within the protein trading and logistics sectors:

  • Seamless Ecosystem Integration:
    The Marcus Technologies trading platform created a fluid connection between vendors, buyers, and traders. It offered a unified hub where stakeholders could collaborate, communicate, and conduct transactions without traditional barriers.

  • Advanced Technologies Stack: 
    The platform utilized a modern technology stack, including Spring Boot, Java, Angular, Elasticsearch, and MySQL. These technologies ensured robust functionality, intuitive user interfaces, and efficient data management.

  • Cloud-Powered Infrastructure: 
    Marcus Technologies’ trading platform disrupted the protein trading and logistics sectors by introducing a digital ecosystem that aligned with modern business needs.


The collaboration between Transect and Conrad Labs exemplified the transformative potential of technology in the land development industry. By creating a software solution that provides comprehensive land data, on-demand environmental reports, and actionable insights, the collaboration has revolutionized how developers approach due diligence. This endeavor serves as a model for leveraging technology and expertise to drive efficiency, risk reduction, and success in complex and critical sectors like land development.

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